I see in chapter 12 that the men of Ephraim talk a big game. They were mad that Jephthah did not invite them to go and fight the Ammonites. Jephthah called them on it and said when he needed their help they would not help. So now they want to fight against Jephthah and his people? Pretty clever trick to use the pronunciation of a word to weed out the Ephraimites and identifying them that way.
I am looking forward to reading about Samson. I see that being a Nazirite requires that you don't cut your hair. I read that being a Nazirite was not a permanent position, typically. However the lord wanted Samson to be one for life! I also found it interesting that God did not want Samson's mother to drink anything fermented. Kind of sounds like 2012 doesn't it?
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from K Hinkle
"kind of sounds like 2012" I think you lost me here. Are you talking about the movie? I didn't see it. Tell me about it!
What makes me curious in these passages is the description of the angel that visited Samson's parents being called an "angel of the Lord". The commentary on Bible Tracks says that they believe anytime the old testament refers to the angel of the Lord they are talking about God incarnate. He says that not all scholars agree on that, but that he does. He says that Samson's parents seem to believe it was God himself because they acknowledge how unworthy they are (Samson's father seems to think because they saw the Lord they will die).
What do you think?
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